Rick Sbrocca
Spiritus Solutions
Business & Culture Development Methodology

Conduct the Growth Readiness Assessment: Interviews/surveys (e.g., customers, partners, suppliers, employees, and competitors) and market research to form objective growth diagnostics and analytics, perceived pain points, differentiated value proposition, and market position leverage - define the language and baseline for the growth initiative. Quality customer-centric data is imperative for growth.

Build the Growth-to-Market Design - understand Corporate Identity (i.e. purpose, proficiency (best in class), profit model, and competitive advantage), - understand customer identity - segmentation / served addressable market and competitive positioning - understand the optimum channels to facilitate the best value exchange (e.g., modernized communities, strategic alliances, resellers, service providers, agents, DTC, retail, affiliates, and influencers.)

Implement the Growth Engine Model - relevant community matching (e.g., intelligent-target prospective customer base), customized value proposition (e.g., creative one sheet/content), ABM campaigns (e.g., email flows, a/b tests, calls, direct mail, social mapping, and personal note card touch point sequence) customer engagement process (e.g., CRM stages, roles, resources, and reporting), and ROI growth calculator model.

Create the Growth Culture Process that will fuel the transformation of your business. Creating an environment where talents flourish is the precursor to success. The real and sustainable competitive advantage is people benefitting from services such as personalized assessments, complete leadership development workshops, career mentoring, complete life victory coaching, EQ/communication/ conflict management training, and professional development plans.
Professional & Personal Development Methodology

Unearth your past, present, and future selves to find root-level barriers to growth - receive a brand new introduction to Identity as your core foundation - grasp the dynamic nature and infinite potential of Source Identity Power - learn how Beliefs, Actions, Rewards (B.A.R.) shape lives - stay connected throughout your journey with Power Journaling.

Empower Identity Development through the 15 Keys - See how creative Visualization can sculpt results and rewards - bridge the thought, emotion, and behavior management gaps with the Complete Life Conditioners (CLC) - leverage the Life Ecosystem to create Complete Life Victory (CLV) and experience breakthroughs.

Harvest your Discovery & Design through our proprietary implementation system - personalize Objectives & Key Results Plus (OKR+) , including resources, plans, and timelines, sync OKRs+ with the Great168 to optimize time and energy - activate new habits through the Action Item Master (AIM) tool - complete the Challenge to experience flow and rewards.